Tuesday, October 23, 2012

from Him, through Him, to Him = all things

Just for the record, I hate the word "coincidence" and the Christian-ized version, "God-incidence".

Let's just say that God is in control of everything and we should all really stop acting so surprised by that fact.

Pondering this evening why God allows certain people to tell me certain things.

Exhibits A & B:
I am LOVING the opportunity I have this quarter to both assist and lead gymnastics & dance classes for mentally/physically handicapped ladies of all ages. It's VERY easy to believe that God is passionate about defending their cause and speaking up for them.

But a couple weeks ago, one of the ladies, Leslie, "randomly" began talking about her dad with me. How he had been crying all the time recently and wasn't acting like himself. I asked her if I could pray for him and she said yes, because her mom was really tired, too.
Her dad's name is Vincent, if you care to pray with me.

Just this evening, another girl turned me and said, "My mom's having surgery tomorrow. I hope her stomach feels better after that." I can't just smile and nod at something like that; this young lady needs to know that I'm standing and agreeing with her that GOD can heal her mom.

Need to begin living again as if I BELIEVE that EVERY appointment is a "divine appointment".

What a shift.

Maybe that's why God has been gracious enough to let me look forward to monthly doctor appointments.
It's really not about me or even how I'm feeling. It's about Dennis & Kelly in the chairs next to me every month needing to see Jesus. Needing someone next to them who can they can relate to & laugh with. (and this whole once-a-month deal is a really easy commitment to keep, haha.)

Maybe that's why I don't believe people when they tell me that, "Oh that professor is ok, but he can get really boring when he talks for a while."
Seriously? Newsflash: so can YOU. I thought it was silly before to make random notes about personal stories & random facts that teachers would share, but it's not! What a sweet way to see people with titles as just being people. Still with respect, but minus the unrealistic expectations.

That's all I've got for now.
Just wanting to live like I believe everything I read in the Bible.