Monday, March 22, 2010


So, I have the privilege of sharing part of my testimony on Good Friday this year. (ohh, how He shoves us!) I'm loving how it's when I'm doing something with Refuge that God wants me to get OUT of my comfort zone and share His truth/love like that. I'm so thankful to be part of a group of people that know the right times to encourage and prod...I just love how the Holy Spirit works like that. =] Being transparent and being specific are apparently two traits that I still need to practice...because I keep receiving opportunities to be active in sharing my faith! woohoo! I tend to brush off what I've actually gone through and jump straight to all of the amazing truths that God has written on my heart...they are profound and wonderful realities, but I can't deny the fact that God is glorified in and from my weaknesses. (and there are PLENTY of them! hallelujah!)

Since I have to go and record this testimony later today and I need to gather my thoughts for it, I figured I may as well share right here what's going on...I have no clue who will be seeing the finished product, so why not share the process here? Right? Awesome.

1) Who are you? Please tell me your name and give me a little background of your life.

I'm Emily Seibert, and I'm here 1) by the grace of God, and 2) with Refuge Dance Company. Over this past year in particular, my natural family, spiritual family and Refuge family have all been significant sources of accountability, encouragement, and prayer covering, as I've faced some health struggles.

2) What is your story? Please tell me about what you experienced/are experiencing in your life.

Well, I've been dancing since I was 9 years old, and dance for me, has always been a point of physical fitness, building relationships, and worshiping my Savior. When I was 15 (fall 2005, nearly 16) years old, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The year prior, I had faced (what we thought was) a stomach virus that caused me to lose a lot of strength and drop below 100 pounds. Closer towards the time of diagnosis, I was experiencing a lack of muscle control and stability on the left side of my body. At that point, we decided that drugs were not the way to go, I was prayed over, I altered my diet and began seeing a chiropractor. By the spring of 2006 I was no longer experiencing any MS issues.

Last April (2009), after nearly four years without issues, I began to experience the similar lack of muscle control and dexterity, in additon to some double vision. This entire relapse escalated and fluctuated from April - October, and my body is still working its way back to 100%. Now at 19/20 years old, I'm taking this more seriously and questioning why God would be bringing this up again?

3) How is God’s healing power at work in your life? Please tell me how God has restored/is restoring your life. If you haven’t yet experience healing, please tell me about how you are waiting on the Lord.

Last July, after the worst portion of the relapse, I did receive healing for the MS. (GLORY to God!) It was during a Wednesday night worship service, my pastor called me up, and I received this amazing, anointed prophetic word. But even before I received that word, God had already told me that I was "healed," but I was also reminded that "every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him." (prov. 30:5) I already knew that God was at work, but I had to keep reading His Word and reminding myself that His word accomplishes what He says it will.

4) What can we learn from your experience? Please tell me about how God is using your experience for good. For someone who is viewing your testimony and experiencing the same thing, what do you want them to know?

I was actually listening to a sermon last week, that said that God uses our trials/pains as megaphones for HIS hope & faithfulness. It's an opportunity to trust that no matter what He allows to come our way, God is working everything together for good. If I could leave you with anything, it's the reminder that God is right beside you...and I believe this quote from Ravi Zachiarias hits it right on the head: "We may change, but His Word does not change because it is true for every stage of life, in every circumstance. It keeps us in in touch with the new. It keeps us real in our expectations, promising not a trouble-free trip but God's presence in every trial."

hm, that wasn't so bad. =) Father, glorify Your Name!

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