Friday, September 18, 2009

currently reading

"We may change, but His Word does not change because it is true for every stage of life, in every circumstance. It keeps us in in touch with the new. It keeps us real in our expectations, promising not a trouble-free trip but God's presence in every trial." (pg 151)

"The discipline of praying is the seedbed of retaining wonder. For here God brings our wills into alignment with His, enabling us to face both the grim and the triumphant and put them in the context of the greater story. Prayer is not the means of bringing our wills to pass but the means by which He brings our will into line to gladly receive His will." (pg 163)

--> from "Recapture the Wonder" by Ravi Zacharias

God has really been working on my heart, helping me to keep all my current circumstances in perspective of His ultimate circumstances. I no longer have anything to fear or worry about, when I realize that right now is not forever - God always has something bigger/better/greater/different in store down the road. (not an easy thing to keep in mind, especially when I cannot control my immediate environment. ahh, thank you Father that I am NOT the one in control...keep me humble before you.