Sunday, March 18, 2012


passionate (adjective)
-having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling; fervid

Somehow the deeper thoughts of my life goals and ambitions always come up during finals time.
Am I passionate or just emotional?
Am I purposeful or just idealistic?

I feel like I give a different answer EVERY time someone asks me what I'm "passionate" about or what my goals are. I know there are causes, people, purposes and activities that motivate me, but I have a difficult time condensing it all down and expressing it clearly within a few minutes. (haha, maybe that's why I enjoy limericks? They don't have to make sense, just rhyme!)

How would I narrow this down?
I'm passionate about:

-God. Jesus. Holy Spirit. His Name + His Renown = the desire of my soul.

-People! family, friends, enemies, strangers, all of them. Whoever and wherever, God is the One who allowed our paths to cross and He has a purpose for that moment - whether the moment lasts for 2 seconds or 20 years.

-Serving others. Understanding what would MOST bless the other person, then carrying that out.

-Helping others believe that they're perfectly capable of doing more than they think they're able to do. *Specifically my motivation for wanting to pursue recreational therapy - take a different avenue to convince someone that they can still physically use whatever they have.

-Greeting others cheerfully! I've noticed that people are not as likely to smile unless they feel obligated to return one that's being extended to them. (or they get creeped out & avoid eyesight altogether. :-)

-Praying. God has been so faithful to teach me how simple it is to remain in His will (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) by preparing myself to remain joyful, prayerful and thankful. As I'm lifting up the needs of others before the Father and leaving them in His hands, I cannot help but rejoice, be thankful & compelled to pray even more.

-Ending slavery. Due largely to the influence that the 268 Generation has had in my life over the past 3 years, my focus for the Kingdom of God to come on earth has expanded beyond my own community. (Though I do LOVE the community God has placed me in and I KNOW that He is seen through me, in every interaction I have with people.) My perspective has shifted to the point that I truly DO believe that all things are possible with God (Mark 10:27). Why not give the copper coins that I have and believe that my God will multiply all that I surrender to Him?! He created the universe. He knows the thoughts and motives of every single person that He created to exist in the universe. GOD IS MASSIVE! How small of me to think that just because I cannot wrap my finite thoughts around a "problem" means that there's no point in doing anything.

-Eliminating debt. (which will help me do more - financially, at least - to end slavery!) I'm a bit ashamed at the thought of entering a marriage with my student loan debt, so that causes me to practice frugality, have a plan and wisely use the resources God has entrusted to me.

-Instructing others (specifically, younger girls) in purity. (and I don't just mean the clothes they wear, though that is important, too.) I've had such a gift from growing up with four brothers to learn from, a little sister to set an example for and parents that fed us Proverbs on a daily basis. I deeply desire for younger girls to know their worth in Christ and that nothing & nobody else is able to fulfill or complete them. He's better.

-Steadfastness. (this is the word God is having me focus on this year.) I'm enjoying my time in college because I know that it will bear fruit and help prove that I am able to make a commitment and complete it with excellence. I enjoy the coursework and all of the people I'm able to meet and encourage during this process, but it's only the Holy Spirit interceding for me that has me following through.

-Patience. I've recently purposed to remove the phrase, "I can't wait!" from my vocabulary...because when I say that, what I really mean is that I'm so excited, I can wait. Ready example for many 20-something girls, their future spouse. I'm so convinced of God's higher thoughts and ways that I can wait for His timing to unfold and write a story that's worth sharing with future (& present) generations.

-Diligence. The reason why I must end this thought onslaught and go pick up my flashcards again. :-) First final of the week in 12.5 hours? No problem.

Also, rather fittingly, the song I've been stuck on lately: "You Are My Passion" (Jesus Culture)
Verse 1:

I'm alive to bring glory to You, King
God of victory, You are my passion
It's in the way You are, You don't change at all
Great and humble God, You are my passion


My strength in life is I am Yours
My soul delights because I am Yours

Your will on earth is all I'm living for


Jesus, I glorify; Jesus, my love is Yours
You are my heart's desire; I live to know You more

Verse 2:

Light that breaks the darkness, showing what true love is
Always full of goodness, You are my passion
You never do me wrong, the meekest Man, but strong
The most perfect song, You are my passion.