Sunday, June 30, 2013

It's Good to Be YOU

Honestly, I began this poem over two months ago on my flight home from Project Dance New York (already very much in an exhausted-but-still-overflowing-with-Jesus state of mind & heart).

The very napkin that inspired the poetry. Love how God speaks wherever & however He wants to.
And yes - that's my gum flattened nicely in the napkin which now resides in my current journal.

I later completed the poem over several afternoons at work as I was waiting to assist with various patients.

I love being able to go back & read something and see how it was really the Holy Spirit wanting to get His point(s) out to me. Hope that you are encouraged & reminded of the LORD's purpose for where He currently has you & will continue to lead you.

"IT'S GOOD TO BE YOU" is how the napkin read,
My tired eyes soon filled with tears as I slowly nod my head.

I fear that my next thoughts will be too cliche,
When I say we're unique in our own special ways.

But regardless my feelings I know that it's true,
Each day we can walk in good works that are new.

Too oft I grow weary of life's simple tasks,
Because I forgot in His glory to bask.

My soul craves this infusion of purpose and vision,
That I may obey always in joyful submission.

Since God isn't dead then neither am I!
All I need is His Word, not a big, flashy sign.

One day and one step is His steadfast lead,
Thank God for the grace of this promise to heed.

He's faithful, He's holy, He's just and He's true!
What's more, God's whole plan must involve me and you.

I plead with Him daily for new eyes to see,
All the people who don't know His gifts that are free.

I want to encourage, reach out, and speak up,
Lord, help me pour out from this over flown cup.

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